The role of non wood forest products in food security and income generation / / 2000
USAID/Tanzania summary strategic plan for environment and natural resources / /
Environmental impact of animal traction in Rukwa Region, Tanzania / Kilemwa,A M /
Hatima ya barafu ya mlima Kilimanjaro / / 2002
The commercial timbers of Tanzania / Bryce, J.M /
Increasing milk production from dairy cattle in a hot environment through management intervention / Mlengeya, M.M. / 1966-200
The effect of environmental insult on permeability barrier of the claw horn of cattle / Mgasa, M.N|Kempson, S.A / 2000
Coastal Erosion and Its Social and Environmental Aspects in Tanzania: A Case Study in Illegal Sand Mining / Masalu,Desiderius C. P. /
From past to present: the historical context of environmental and coastal management in Tanzania / Torell, Elin C /
Socio-economic assessment of the factors influencing building poles consumption, conservation and management of the Amani nature forest reserve, in East Usambara, Tanga, Tanzania / Mbeyale, G.E|Monela, G.C / 2000
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